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Reimagining Youths’ Role in Closing Gaps in Youth Mental Health Care

One In Five currently offers training for Indiana youth with lived mental health experience to become peer support specialists. 

We not only improve career pathways for students living with mental illness but also improve the overall well-being of students in the schools in which the program operates.

Did you know that in the U.S., over half of youth ages 12-17 are unable to receive care for their diagnosed mental illnesses?

One In Five believes in leveraging youth with lived experience to close gaps to affordable and accessible mental health care for their peers. Youth want to be a part of recovery.

What if we reimagined the roles youth can play in schools to support their peers’ mental health? What if our expectations of youth with lived mental health experience matched their capabilities?
One In Five Logo


Reimagining Youths’ Role in Closing Gaps in Youth Mental Health Care

One In Five currently offers training for Indiana youth with lived mental health experience to become peer support specialists. 

We not only improve career pathways for students living with mental illness but also improve the overall well-being of students in the schools in which the program operates.

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One In Five Informational Flyer

Learn more about Youth Peer Supporter Training.

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Half of all students who drop out of high school and nearly 70% in the juvenile justice system have a mental health condition.

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